sâmbătă, 24 decembrie 2011

Raw Mushroom Salad

Here is a light and tasty raw salad which I prepared for
Christmas Eve.

We need:
- fresh mushrooms
- sauerkraut
- onions
- garlic
- cream

We peel the mushrooms, we cut them into small pieces, we add the sauerkraut, the chopped garlic and about two onions.

As spices I used salt, pepper and a bit of thyme, with a lot of cream at the end.

It is a very tasty salad, you will enjoy it for sure :)

Candies dusted with coconut

Here is a Raw Vegan Desert, quick, excellent and easy:

We need a blender, and these ingredients:

- raisins
- dates
- figs
- oatmeal
- coconut powder

The dried fruits are blended with the oatmeal in the robot into a paste. Than we mix this paste with coconut and sweeten it with honey.
If needed, you may add a little water to soften the composition.

The cake can be easily flavored with some lemon or vanilla.

 We create little bals and roll them through coconut powder, like snowballs. 

Enjoy them happily~!  May it be well in your Soul!

joi, 22 decembrie 2011

Bomboane pudrate cu cocos

Iata un desert raw vegan usor si rapid.

Ar fi nevoie de un robot de bucatarie, alaturi de urmatoarele ingredietente:
- stafide
- curmale
- smochine
- fulgi de ovaz
- miere

Fructele uscate impreuna cu fulgii de ovaz se macina bine prin robot pana se transforma intr-o pasta. Ulterior se amesteca cu miere, si nuca de cocos. Daca este nevoie se adauga putina apa pentru a inmuia compozitia.

Se poate aroma usor cu lamaie sau vanilie.
Se fac bilute care se pudreaza cu nuca de cocos.

Pofta Vesela :) ~ Si Sa Va Fie Bine in Suflet ~ !